Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We decided that it would be fun to go back to our old stompin' ground and watch the USU vs. U of U football game in Logan, UT. It was fun...and that's the only thing I can say about it. USU did not win. It's funny to watch all those young people and think it has already been so long since we have been there. College kids are so immature.

This is USU losing.

A couple of Saturdays ago we decided to visit the Hill Air Force Base museum. It was really cool to see all of those old planes. It gives you a new respect for all those who serve and have served for our country.


The Walkers said...

Oh I'm so sad i can't get to play with them anymore. Can't wait to see you guys, hopefully soon.

Kathryn Olsen said...

I love museums. This definitly looks like one worth seeing.

jasmin said...


Why did you steal moms glasses????