Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween is on it's way!

There is so much excitement that builds with Halloween. It has always been that way for me. The anticipation of your costume, the excitement of trick or treating until your pillow case sags from the weight of the candy. Waiting for the earliest possible moment to head out the door. I love it! Too bad I am too old now. Luckily I have kids now and luckily they are old enough to feel their own excitement about the holiday. This year I decided that we should all be story book characters. I also decided this year that I wanted to be one of those Moms that dressed up every year. So, Todd is Paul Bunyun with his trusty blue ox, Devyn. I am Amelia Bedelia, Rieley is Sally from The Cat in the Hat, Morgan is Fancy Nancy and Leyton chose The Cat in the Hat. I really love being in Utah because trick-or-treating is so popular here. I grew up doing it. One not so great thing is that you end up with so many chances to dress up. This year we get to do it 4 times. First is the primary activity on Tues. Then Rieley and Morgan had their school Halloween parade today(Thursday). Tomorrow we have a Halloween party with friends and finally we'll trick-or-treat on Saturday. There are only so many times I can keep costumes clean or even keep them from being lost. Never the less, I am grateful to feel the excitement that builds with each coming Halloween.

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