Monday, August 2, 2010

A real dining set.

All of our married life we have never really had a good dining set. It has either been garage sale or D.I.(which isn't bad if they match or aren't broken). The day has finally arrived........we can all fit at the table. I found this table at D.I. and decided that I really liked it. It was simple, sturdy and only 40 bucks. I decided that I was willing to go on the hunt for some good chairs to complete the set. Chairs are not as cheap as I was hoping...unless they were really ugly and would fall apart. Even ugly ones were pricey. I decided that I was willing to pay a little more(granted they were still a good enough deal) since I had gotten the table so cheap. After a bit of a wait and a mis-hap in shipped items, we have this finished product. Who knew it would feel so good to have a complete dining set that looks nice....and we can all fit. Now to get rid of the carpet under the table. One thing at a time.


beautifuldey said...

Good for you! A dining set is the next thing on my list after we pay off the credit cards. Ours is nice, but small and the chairs don't match. I want a big one with a leaf that can seat at least eight.

Good luck with the carpet. Our apartment had carpet in the dining room for 4 years! It was a major requirement not to have carpet when we moved. It was a total mess.

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