Sunday, March 21, 2010

No pictures yet. I have been taking them, only I have not gotten far enough as to download them on the computer. Seriously, I have a house to clean(every day), I have three girls to bathe, dress, feed, referee, take to school, nap, take to dance and tumbling then feed again and put to bed. I don't get on the computer very much.....and when I do i usually have left the camera in the cupboard upstairs and don't want to waddle my way back up to retrieve it. Maybe the exercise would do me good...............but gratefully my OB let us know that at this point in the pregnancy exercise will be more painful than helpful on my hips. She is right!!!! I do still get some exercise because I like to do it, but I am still sore from my session that was already 5 days ago. My hips are killing me! Can I complain anymore??? I am very excited to have another baby and even more excited that the count down has begun. I am ready and I don't think that I want to do this again. The pregnancies have gotten more difficult. I actually feel like a pregnant lady.

So, I promise that near in the future, somewhere between refereeing and school I will get some pictures on here. The weather has been improving and we have had some excellent picture taking opportunities lately.

1 comment:

ShaeandJustin said...

Can't wait to see pictures of the new addition! Hope you have a great delivery.