Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's warming up!!!!!

Okay, so no one wants to look at me when I try to take cute pictures. Atleast I'll know what clothes they picked out and how no matter how many times I do their gets taken out. Maybe that is only Morgan who does that. Rieley does like to dress herself now and sometimes her idea of a "Hannah Montana" style outfit just doesn't look very good. Pick your battles, right!?

Rieley is my biggest opposition to the pictures. She told me that she hates pictures. I tried to nicely explain to her that it is fun to look back and see the things we did when we were five. She still opposed. So, with a little more sterness, I explained that Mommy wants to have pictures of her five year old daughter. No dice! I got angry and flat out told her, "I will take pictures and you will let me because I say so." she ran away. I think that it worked.

Atleast there is one little girl that still does what her Mommy says, most of the time.

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