Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Again?? Come on, Morgan!

We decided to go on a long overdue date. Typically we go every weekend or so, but lately we had too many other things going on. I wasn't going to delay any longer. We got our babysitter and were off. After a lovely evening of dinner and a movie we arrived at home. Grateful that the kids were in bed and we didn't have to go through the whole routine. While I was driving the babysitter home she informed me that Morgan had cut her hair. This is not the first time that this has happened, but it has been at least two years since the other TWO instances took place. I thought we had taken every precaution and driven every point home. I was vigilant in emphasizing how we go to the salon to have our hair cut by the stylist. "Not even Mommy cuts yours or her hair!!" I would have them repeat after me. After two years of that you would think that Morgan would understand the concept.....oh, she understands alright. It isn't about making a mistake. She knew perfectly well what se was doing. She wanted hair like Mommy. Plus, she was mad at us when we left on a date without her. SO out of spite and pure desire to have her hair cut, Morgan did the deed. Luckily it wasn't to the scalp or anything, but she did lose inches. Also her bangs are shorter on the top layer. Unfortunately for our babysitter it happened when he was here. Luckily for her, her Mom is a stylist and she picked Morgan up and took her home for a hair cut. So I was left with a daughter with shorter hair but I wasn't left with having to get it fixed.

1 comment:

Kari said...

That's hilarious but a total pain at the same time.
Miss those girls like crazy.